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It was in 1994 that Ted Caton discovered in a drawer a letter written in 1956 by David Rogerson, one of his roommates and contacted him. We thought it a good idea to try to find other airmen that served alongside us. We searched telephone directories, placed adverts in magazines and on Channel 4’s teletext helping to find old friends in the military. Initially we sought members in the RAF. The floodgates opened and we were inundated with replies to the extent that we decided form an Association open to all the Armed Servicemen and civilians of all nations who served at Fontainebleau.

Our first Newsletter was published in October 1997 and in the same year we held our first Reunion in Leamington Spa where it was decided to formalise the Association. Over the years more than 300 Veteran have joined. Alas many have passed on but the Association continues to thrive. Our Reunions are held in October each year.
Other activities include coach trips to Fontainebleau where we have gained access to Camp Guynemer. A small contingent attends the Annual Memorial Service at Yevres for the aircrew who were killed ditching their burning LANCASTER Bomber in a field thus avoiding crashing on the village.


The image is of a wreath made by disabled ex-servicemen employed at the Lady Haig's Poppy Factory in Edinburgh.  The factory manufactures all items for the annual Scottish Poppy Appeal and also sells wreaths and other commemorative items to the public throughout the year.  To learn more about the factory or to purchase an item please click on the link below, http://www.ladyhaigspoppyfactory.org.uk/

All graphics are made and provided by David C Bloomfield http://davidcbloomfield.co.uk/

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