Bob Drewett was one of our number unable to attend the dinner this year. He sent a poem to Terry Bryant to read out after the dinner but unfortunately the hotel did not deliver the envelope to Terry until the party had broken up.
1. I send this poem to Terry 5. You may think this funny
with the hope that he might tell and even want to laugh
that we were coming to Leamington but each time that I piddle
but, I ain’t been very well I'm filling up the bath
2. I've been and had my hip done 6. Soon it will be all over
and it feels so nice and new and I'll be feeling in the "pink"
the Surgeon is delighted I can then revert to my method
he's going to do the left "one two" of peeing in the sink
3. My hearts gone all a flutter 7. May your week-end be of laughter
and doing things it shouldn't oughter and encouraging good cheer
The doctor has told me that and with luck and supreme guidance
I'm filling up with water I will see you all next year.
4. He says to " take the tablets"
to drain the fluid off
but please be very careful
especially when you cough
We hope you will be feeling on top of the world again soon Bob and raring to resume your role as our M.C. at next year’s Reunion.
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