

ISSUE No 13                                                                                                         MARCH 2000

The distribution of this Newsletter is restricted to those of you who have signed up for the Fontainebleau trip.


Positive support for this coach tour has not lived up to initial expectations. However we are reaching the required minimum of 35 seats. Below is a list of those who have booked .


Keith and Pam Adams

Max Avey

George and Mrs Brown

Terry and Hazel Bryant

Geoffrey Callaghan and Brenda

Mike and Ann Capon

Ted and Ann Caton

Hilton and Maureen Cozens

John and  Joan Fitzgerald

Dave and Mrs Evans

Bill Garland

Les and Jean Goddard

Ray Harris and Betty

John and Barbara Higgs

Alan and Hazel Lake

Arthur and Anne Mooney


Dick Christensen, recently located in Florida is planning to come over to England with his wife in September and they hope to be included in the party .


Mr & Mrs Dave Evans (ex .RAF) are friends of John and Barbara Higgs


This will give us. a total of 32 and there are another 5 possible, some of which we hope to convert to firm bookings.


Ray Rose is interested in coming along and will do so if he can find a locum.


My name is not included on the list as I am a “sleeper” as an insurance and will sign up if anyone cancels or if not later in the summer.


Dave Bennett and Brian West together with their wives and John Hanlon will make their own way to Fontainebleau and join us out there. Charlie Collyer has accepted our invitation to join in the celebrations in France.


No deposits have been paid to the Tour Operator, and I shall defer paying any monies over until we reach our 35 target. Once the money is in his hands it will be difficult to recover it if the trip is cancelled.


Very few of you require the Operator's insurance as you will have your own arrangements. I have decided to underwrite the risk in the General Fund until final balances are paid. The rationale is that if anyone cancels, Insurers will pay only £20 out of the £44 (deposit and premium paid). Moreover a claimant will have to prove that the cancellation is due to an insured risk. Insurers will doubtless attempt to prove a pre-existing condition. There is a healthy balance in the General Fund to cover the few that have opted for the Operator's Policy. Once the final balances are paid the odds lengthen and the premium will be declared to protect a larger, amount at risk and of course the insurance is really needed for the time that we are abroad.